Happy International Women in Maritime Day from the Shipping Association

Vice President
The Shipping Association of Trinidad & Tobago celebrates all the women in our local and Regional Maritime Industry.
“Mobilizing networks for gender equality”
Is the theme for 2023.
According to the IMO, “this day celebrates women in the industry and is intended to promote the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector, raise the profile of women in maritime, strengthen IMO’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (gender quality) and support work to address the current gender imbalance in maritime.”
This year marks new changes to the SATT Executive Council, as for the first time in our history, we have a female President, Mrs. Sonja Voisin, and a female Vice-President, Ms. Shelly Balkissoon at the helm. Sonja and Shelly bring a wealth of knowledge to their new roles, ranging from shipping and logistics to port operations.
Over the past few years, there have been many positive changes to the local shipping and maritime industry for women. Our membership at the SATT has grown to include shipping companies headed by women, in this once all male-dominated industry. Women also represent the SATT at key joint stakeholder meetings which also include the local Customs & Excise Division, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and other Associations and Chambers in the industry, aiding in making key decisions about the local Maritime industry.
UTT also offers degrees in the Maritime industry, affording more women the opportunity to explore this career path. It is noteworthy the head of the Maritime Studies department at UTT is also a female, Ms. Vivian Parasram.
Notwithstanding these accomplishments, a lot more still needs to be done in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean to promote gender quality in this industry, but there is progress every year. Let’s continue to work together to celebrate women in our local and regional Maritime industry and encourage more participation.
- Logistics
- Shipping
- Seafarers
- Customs
- Vessels Operations
- Ports Operations