About SATT

Modern & Trusted Shipping Association

The dynamic and interconnected nature of the maritime industry calls for an equally dynamic local body with the appropriate global mindset to effectively lead the development of the industry at the national level. The Shipping Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SATT) proves to be more than an able leader in this regard by providing a range of services aimed at delighting its membership. Today, the SATT contributes to the development of the local maritime industry and by extension national development through the provision of the following critical services to its membership.

Our Vision

To be the recognized fraternity representing all shipping interests; for the continued development of the local maritime industry.

Our Mission

Driving industry development through advocacy, capacity building and influencing policy and legislation.

Core Value

Respectful Relationships, Ethical Conduct, Professional Behaviour, Unbiased Independent Thinking, Team Work, Equitable Treatment of All, Integrity.


Today, the SATT’s membership is representative of the interconnectedness of the shipping industry, not only are shipping agents and their principals; members of the Association (as it was in the past), membership has expanded to include ports, shipping industry consultants, surveyors, chandlers, NVOCCs, consolidators among other entities.

The SATT’s membership is categorized into three groups:

  • Group A 
    Ship Agents, Ship Managers, Ship Brokers; Ship Owners and/or Ship Operators
  • Group B 
    Port, Dock and Terminal Operators
  • Group C 
    Service Companies and those individuals, firms, trade unions, corporations and associations who are engaged directly in the maritime or shipping industries in T&T and whose business does not qualify them for membership in either Group A or Group B in respect of such business e.g. maritime surveyors, chandlers, consolidators and NVOCCs.

The SATT is also represented on almost every shipping related committee or organization local, regional and international. The Association is a founding member of the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA). It is also represented on the local Pilotage Authority and provides a Commissioner for the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT). The Association is also represented on the Customs Brokers Board, which is the governing body for Customs Brokers and Boarding Clerks.

The expanded membership of the Association and its representation on local and regional bodies allows for increased expertise and experience in achieving its objectives and a platform to air the concerns of the Association at the governmental and multilateral levels, respectively.

These services include: 

  • Advocacy
  • Negotiation
  • Technical advice
  • Events management – training, lectures and seminars

The range of services aims at developing and sustaining an industry representation at the highest level both locally and internationally and assisting the membership to operate at international industry standards.

As a good corporate citizen, the Association also strives to assist Government and other agencies to develop the maritime sector and sensitize the public on maritime and shipping issues.

Apart from having a critical local presence, the SATT is affiliated with a number of regional multilateral associations, namely: the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA), the Caribbean Latin American Action (CLAA), the Association of the Caribbean States (ACS) and the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC). These affiliations assist the SATT in enhancing its services through the exchange of information and advocacy.

The Changing Role of the SATT

Following the independence of Trinidad and Tobago, the Government decided to nationalize the stevedoring operation of the Port, creating Port Contractors Ltd, which employed all labour on the port. This new body, majority owned by the Government, therefore, took over all labour employment function at the Port Authority, inevitably marginalizing the SATT.

However, all was not lost for the SATT. It was soon realized that an important role existed for the SATT in shipping mainly because of the wealth of experience and technical knowledge that its members brought to the industry. Thus, a new role for the SATT came to the fore; the Association functioned as a consultative body and a lobby on matters related to the waterfront.


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56312 +

Product Delivery

69753 +

World Wide Branch

98632 +

Modern Transport

75615 +

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Our Team Member

Meet Our Expert Team Member

Blaine H. Vallejo

CEO & Founder

Roseanne Williams

General Manager

Sandra Johnson

Web Designer

Mitchell T. Garrett

Assistant Manager