The Shipping Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SATT) would like to thank it’s generous sponsors and contributors for helping us host a successful 53rd CSA AGM, Conference and Exhibition at the Hyatt Regency, POS. This marque industry event brought 400 plus, regional, and international decision-makers, to do the business of the CSA, ingest pertinent industry content and strengthen relationships.
What is the purpose of Annual Conference?
The CSA Annual Conference is primarily a threefold event, supported by a number of other activities that are geared towards bringing the wide expanse of CSA members and regional stakeholders together in a space created to provide an optimal networking experience for all in attendance.
The 3 Primary Components and their respective objectives are as follows;
1 Each digital sponsorship banner spot is a digital banner shown for 10 seconds in looping banners on 1 of 6 screens around the main Conference Hall.
One (1) complimentary Exhibition Booth (10 x 6 ft) | $ 5,500 |
Logo on CSA Website, Conference drop page and social media (sponsors recognition) | $ 1,800 |
Four (4) complimentary, All Access passes to conference and social events | $ 3,600 |
A full-page ad in conference magazine | $ 950 |
Logo and summary profile on Host’s Booklet | $ 1,800 |
Twenty-Four (24) digital sponsorship banners spots in main Conference Hall | $ 4,800 |
Primary brand placement on outdoor public banner | $ 2,200 |
Logo highlight on all conference material on SATT’s Social media marketing campaign | $ 2,000 |
Six months ad on SATT’s website (text or video) | $ 4,200 |
$Total value in US$ | $ 31,800 |
Notably, this valuation is based on nominal pricing and does not factor the more subjective benefits for increased industry goodwill, brand awareness and the opportunity to access a captive market.
Logo on CSA Website, Conference drop page and social media (sponsors recognition) | $ 1,800 |
4 complimentary, All Access passes to conference and social events | $ 3,600 |
A half-page ad in conference magazine | $ 550 |
Logo and summary profile on Host’s Booklet | $ 1,800 |
Twelve (12) digital sponsorship banners spots in main Conference Hall | $ 2,400 |
Brand placement on outdoor public banner | $ 1,500 |
Logo highlight on all conference material on SATT’s Social media marketing campaign | $ 2,000 |
Six months ad on SATT’s website (text or video) | $ 4,200 |
$Total value in US$ | $17,850 |
Logo on CSA Website, Conference drop page and social media (sponsors recognition) | $1,800 |
Two (2) All Access Passes (Conference and Events) | $ 1,800 |
Three months ad on SATT’s website (text or video) | $ 2,100 |
Logo placement, building drop outdoor banner | $ 600 |
Logo and summary profile on Host’s Booklet | $ 1,800 |
Twelve (12) digital banner spots in main conference hall | $ 2,400 |
Logo placement on all SATT Conference Ads in social media marketing campaign | $2,000 |
$Total value in US$ | $ 12,250 |
Logo on CSA Website, Conference drop page and social media (sponsors recognition) | $1,800 |
One (1) All Access Passes (Conference and Events) | $ 900 |
Two (2) months ad on SATT’s website | $ 1,400 |
Logo placement on building drop outdoor banner | $ 800 |
Logo and summary profile on Host’s Booklet | $1,800 |
Six (6) digital banner spots in main conference hall | $ 1,200 |
Logo placement on all SATT Conference Ads in social media marketing campaign | $2,000 |
$Total value in US$ | $ 9,900 |
Logo on CSA Website, Conference drop page and social media (sponsors recognition) | $ 1,800 |
One (1) All Access Passes (Conference and Events) | $ 900 |
Logo and company profile on the SATT website (1 months) | $ 700 |
Logo placement, building drop outdoor banner | $ 800 |
Logo and summary profile on Host’s Booklet | $ 1,800 |
Six (6) digital banner spots in main conference hall | $ 1,200 |
Logo placement on all Conference Ads in SATT social media marketing campaign | $ 2,000 |
$Total value in US$ | $ 9,200 |
This year, CSA’s Cultural Extravaganza is open to the public for attendance. This event will surely be one not to miss as it will be a full immersive, all-inclusive experience where you will be given a taste of all T&T has to offer in one place, along with the exclusive networking opportunity that you will gain, being alongside the conference’s attendees.
Limited tickets are only US$100/TT$700 and can be purchased directly from the SATT Secretariat via email at
Click the links below to access the conference’s presentations or the media gallery.